
Report: Sayed Ali, among the victims of the bombing; ISIS claims responsibility

Bayan News – Sayed Ali Sina, a football player and boxer, is among the casualties of the terrorist attack in the western Kabul neighborhood of Barchi.

His friends have written that over the past two decades, the young generation, especially the sports community in Afghanistan, has always been targeted and slaughtered in terrorist attacks.

Mohammad Haroon Amarkhil, a close friend of Sayed Ali Sina, tells Bayan News that targeting young people like Sayed Ali, who are essentially intellectuals and symbols, is a major blow to the Afghan society, and the continuation of this trend will push Afghanistan further into poverty and ignorance.

He says that the perpetrators of these inhumane crimes will never be erased from the collective memory of the Afghan people.

Meanwhile, Bismillah Basaam, another close friend of Sayed Ali Sina, says that he was a patriot and a sportsman who always made abundant efforts in this regard.

Basaam continues to highlight Sayed Ali’s social personality and emphasizes that during the recent two years of turmoil, Sayed Ali never attempted to leave the country and he wanted to remain right here, alongside his people, and take steps in the field of education and sports.

However, the Khorasan branch of the ISIS group has claimed responsibility for this event and stated that it targeted Shiites.

On Friday night (October 26), a sports hall in the Maiwand market located in the Barchi West station, where more than 50 athletes were engaged in sports training, was targeted by a bombing attack.

This attack took place precisely when Seyyed Ali Sina and his friends were busy with their sports training.

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