
95% reduction in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan

Bayan News – A recent report from the United Nations reveals that poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has decreased by 95% over the past year.

The report, titled “Afghanistan Opium Survey 2023,” was published today, Monday, November 5th, by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

According to the report, poppy cultivation has completely ceased in several provinces of Afghanistan, indicating that farmers have effectively implemented the leadership’s ban on poppy cultivation under the Islamic Emirate.

The report states that following the issuance of the leadership’s order, the production and export of heroin have witnessed a significant reduction in the past year, with 333 tons of heroin produced in the current calendar year.

It should be noted that heroin production in Afghanistan had reached 6,200 tons in the previous calendar year.

It is worth mentioning that several months after the Islamic Emirate regained control of Afghanistan, the current regime declared the cultivation and trafficking of drugs as illegal.

Despite the significant reduction in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, it is reported that drug prices have doubled.

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