
Russia Fair Party to Host Anti-Islamic Emirate Figures in Moscow Tomorrow

Bayan News – Several media outlets have reported that on Friday (November 23), a meeting with the participation of anti-political figures of the Islamic Emirate will be hosted by the “Russia Fair” party in Moscow, the capital of Russia.

This meeting is titled “Afghanistan Between the Past and the Future.”

BBC reported on Wednesday evening (November 22) that Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the Resistance Front, Mohammad Mohaqiq, the leader of the Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan, Ahmad Wali Massoud, the head of the Ahmad Shah Massoud Foundation, Fawzia Koofi, Shukira Barikzai, Shahgul Rezaie, Sayed Taha Sadat, and several other opposing political figures of the Islamic Emirate have been invited to this meeting.

However, it is said that the Russia Fair Party holds 20% of the seats in the Russian Parliament.

It should be noted that Ahmad Massoud, who went on an official trip to Russia this year, had a meeting with the deputy of the Russian Parliament.

Meanwhile, the Russian government has held various meetings over the past two years with the presence of senior officials from the Islamic Emirate, emphasizing the strengthening of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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