
Meeting of Muttaqi with the Russian Ambassador in Kabul, just two days after the Moscow Conference

Bayan News: Two days after the Moscow Conference, which was attended by figures opposed to the Islamic Emirate, Amir Khan Mutttaqi, the Acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, met with the Russian Ambassador in Kabul.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a newsletter on Saturday evening (November 25) that the meeting took place today at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and focused on economic, educational, and cultural issues.

The ministry has not released further details about this meeting.

Two days ago, a conference was held in Moscow hosted by the Russian Justice Party, with the participation of figures opposed to the Islamic Emirate, including Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the National Resistance Front.

The convening of this conference has sparked a reaction from the Kabul interim government.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Kabul interim government, told Afghan media outlets in response to the Moscow conference that some regional and neighboring countries are seeking to create discord among the people of Afghanistan.

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