
Arrest of Several TTP Members by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Bayan News – The media outlet “Khorasan Daire” which covers events in tribal areas of Pakistan, recently claimed that the forces of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have arrested a group of Pakistani Taliban Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) members.

According to the outlet, the detained individuals are affiliated with the “Lashkar-e-Malik” group, which operates in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan.

However, the report does not specify where these individuals were arrested in Afghanistan, and Afghan Islamic Emirate officials have not commented on the matter.

No further details have been released regarding this issue.

Nevertheless, in the past year, Kabul-Islamabad relations have soured over the activities of the Pakistani Taliban, and Pakistani authorities claim that the TTP organizes attacks against the Pakistani government using Afghan soil.

These claims by the Pakistani government have consistently been denied by the interim government officials in Kabul.

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