
Taliban Returns 16 Low-Quality Oil Tankers to Iran

Bayan News – The Taliban’s Norms and Standards Department has announced that 16 oil tankers, which were imported from Iran, have been returned to the country after being identified as low-quality.

According to a newsletter published by the department on Monday (March 17th), it stated that these tankers were being imported into Afghanistan through the 78-Mile Port in the Farah province.

Officials from the Norms and Standards Department stated that the reason for returning the oil to Iran was its failure to meet the established standards.

However, in the past two years, the Taliban has identified and returned hundreds of imported oil tankers from Iran for being of low-quality.

On the other hand, the return of oil tankers from the country’s ports has previously faced reactions from the Iranian government, and the head of Iran’s Union of Petroleum Products had claimed that there was no device for measuring the quality of oil at the Afghanistan border.

This is happening despite Iran being recognized as one of the largest exporters of goods to Afghanistan, with thousands of different oil tankers imported from Iran to Afghanistan every year.

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