
US Senators: If ISIS Attacks Moscow, It Will Also Attack the United States

Bayan News – Three days after the deadly ISIS attack in the city of Moscow, a number of US senators expressed concern that if ISIS were to launch an attack in the outskirts of Moscow, it would signify their capability to carry out similar attacks in the United States.

Michael McCall, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, stated in an interview with CBS News that ISIS poses a threat to Europe and America.

The senior American senator criticized the statements made last week by the CENTCOM commander, who claimed that ISIS-Khorasan would have the capacity to launch attacks outside of Afghanistan within six months.

McCall said, “It took them (ISIS) only six days to attack Moscow, and I think that is concerning for America and Europe.”

According to McCall, the United States abandoned Afghanistan without assessing the capabilities of ISIS and without Afghan intelligence oversight.

Similarly, Republican Senator Tom Cotton expressed concern about ISIS’s capability to carry out an attack on a concert hall in Moscow, stating that this group poses a threat to conducting terrorist attacks on American soil and against its citizens.

He stated that this situation reflects the failure of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and that ISIS terrorist attacks against American citizens would be a significant danger.

Cotton told Fox News on Monday (March 24), “It is deeply regrettable that innocent people, including women and children, were killed in Moscow, but the next attack could be on American embassies in Asia and Europe or our students during their educational trips to Europe.”

He added, “This situation reflects the dangerous consequences of Biden’s unsuccessful withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, in which 143 people were killed and nearly 200 others were injured.

Many reports indicate that the ISIS-Khorasan branch, based in Afghanistan, is behind this attack.

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