
Washington: We are using every pressure to bring “Ryan Corbett” back home

Bayan News – Matthew Miller, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, has announced Washington’s efforts to free Ryan Corbett, an American citizen imprisoned in Kabul.

The spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State recently stated during a press briefing that American citizens in Afghanistan have been detained and imprisoned without reason by the Taliban.

He said, “What I can tell the American people on behalf of the government is that we are trying every day to bring Ryan Corbett back home.”

The official from the U.S. Department of State described Ryan Corbett’s health condition as distressing in the prison and emphasized that these detentions have hindered positive interaction between the United States and the Taliban.

Meanwhile, Anna Corbett, the wife of the imprisoned American in Kabul, has expressed concern about her husband’s physical and mental well-being, stating that Corbett has not committed any wrongdoing.

Anna told CNN, “I tell Biden that Ryan has done nothing wrong. The only thing he was doing was helping the people of Afghanistan. Our family desperately needs him. Ryan is in danger, and his health and mental state are deteriorating. My husband is still alive, and we must bring him home immediately.”

Ryan Corbett’s wife further stated, “It was a distressing call. It was hard to hear that Ryan was losing hope. He has been in detention for almost 600 days now.”

Anna Corbett, the wife of Ryan Corbett, an imprisoned American in Taliban custody, has expressed concern about his health and mental well-being.

After a phone call with Ryan Corbett on Friday, she demanded a meeting with President Joe Biden and a discussion regarding her husband’s immediate release.

She added, “I tell Biden that Ryan has done nothing wrong. The only thing he was doing was helping the people of Afghanistan. Our family desperately needs him. Ryan is in danger, and his health and mental state are deteriorating. My husband is still alive, and we must bring him home immediately.”

Mrs. Corbett emphasized, “It was a distressing call. It was hard to hear that Ryan was losing hope. He has been in detention for almost 600 days now.”

This is the fifth call Corbett has made to his family since being detained by the Taliban in August 2022.

According to CNN, Ryan Corbett and his family had been living in Afghanistan for about a decade.

After the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, Ryan’s family left Afghanistan, but he returned to the country in 2022 and was subsequently detained by the Taliban.

U.S. officials say that the families of the detainees do not need to meet with the President, but the freedom of these citizens is a priority for the Biden administration.

Ryan Corbett and his wife had been living in Kabul since 2010 and were working with a non-governmental organization. He was detained by the Taliban in 2022.

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