AfghanistanSpecial Reports

“Reactions of Afghan Political Leaders to Iran’s Military Attack on Israel”

Bayan News – Some political leaders in Afghanistan have shown their reaction to Iran’s military and retaliatory attack on targets inside Israel and considered Tehran’s actions as legitimate defense.

Hamid Karzai, former President of Afghanistan, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, former head of the High Council for National Reconciliation, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the Islamic Party, and several other political leaders have issued statements in support of Iran’s attack.

Dr. Abdullah stated: “Israel violated international law by attacking the Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria, violating diplomatic representation immunity and international norms.”

In Mr. Abdullah’s message, it is clearly stated that Iran’s response to Israel is considered a defensive action and a reaction to the violation of Iran’s national sovereignty.

Mr. Abdullah also linked the escalation of tensions between Iran and Israel to Afghanistan, stating that Iran hosts millions of Afghan refugees and this tension will also have an impact on the situation in Afghanistan.

On the other hand, Hamid Karzai, former President of Afghanistan, expressed concern in a message that international peace is severely threatened by the increase in wars, crises, and violations of international laws and principles.

Karzai added that Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a new development that the Islamic Republic of Iran responded to as a legitimate act of self-defense.

The responsibility for the attack lies with Israel

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar also stated in a message that Iran’s response to the attack on its consulate was Tehran’s legitimate right and the responsibility for this attack lies with the evil leaders of Israel and their supporters.

He said: “It is a positive development to find a country in the Islamic world that chooses an extraordinary reaction and revenge in response to the United States in the region, not a shameful silence and humiliating submission.”

Meanwhile, the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially issued a statement considering Iran’s military action as legitimate defense.

In the Taliban’s Foreign Ministry statement it is mentioned: “The Zionist regime, in continuation of its crimes, targeted the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, the capital of Syria, contrary to all diplomatic norms and international laws, to which the Islamic Republic of Iran responded last night with a defensive and legitimate action.”

The Taliban’s Foreign Ministry further added that since October of last year, Israel has been trying to divert world attention from its crimes in Gaza by violating the sovereignty of other countries and spreading insecurity through provocative actions in the region.

The Taliban has called on the international community to accelerate their collective efforts to stop Israel’s crimes and prevent the spread of the crisis in the Middle East.

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