AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Messi Ali-Nejad invites prominent American women to join the global campaign against gender apartheid

Bayan News – Messi Ali-Nejad, a women’s rights activist, has invited Michelle Obama, television host Oprah Winfrey, and American Senator Ilhan Omar, among other prominent American women, to join the campaign against gender apartheid.

In an interview with Fox News, she mentioned Michelle Obama, the wife of Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Ilhan Omar, and asked them to join this campaign.

The rights activist added, “I come from a country where I was told that if I don’t cover my hair, I would be hanged.”

Ali-Nejad continued in the interview, saying, “In my country, if you say ‘death to the Islamic Republic,’ ‘death to the terrorists,’ you will never be released from prison, you will be killed.”

Referring to the detention of protesting women by Iranian forces, she added that Iran’s war against women has had many casualties and has claimed the lives of women in that country.

This comes as a group of women’s rights activists in Afghanistan and Iran have launched an official campaign to recognize gender apartheid in protest against current policies affecting women in those countries.

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