
McCaul: The health condition of the American prisoner with the Taliban is dire

Bayan News – Michael McCaul, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, says that Ryan Courbett, a US citizen, is being held by the Taliban in a dire health condition.

He said on Wednesday (June 12) during a hearing of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee that Ryan Courbett’s health condition is described as poor.

The Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee also stated that this American citizen is being held in a small cell under inhumane and horrific conditions.

McCaul, citing Courbett’s wife, said that he is not in good physical and mental health, and these health challenges are getting worse day by day. Ryan is being held in inhumane conditions, in a small cell with unreliable access to food and without the ability to go outside.

He called on US President Joe Biden to prioritize Courbett’s return.

This American citizen was arrested by Taliban intelligence in August 2022 while on a business trip to Afghanistan.

It is also said that another American is also imprisoned by the Taliban, but his identity has not been revealed so far.

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