
World Refugee Day; The migration of Afghans is concerning

Bayan News – The diplomatic and consular representations of Afghanistan in a number of countries, referring to the approaching World Refugee Day, have expressed concern about a new wave of illegal migration.

In the statement of the diplomatic representations published on Thursday (June 20), it is stated that since the Taliban’s re-control of Afghanistan, countless individuals have been forced to flee due to persecution and human rights violations by the Taliban.

The diplomatic representations have asked the host countries to be more careful about the deportation of refugees, given the current crisis in Afghanistan.

According to the statement: “It is essential to understand that without a comprehensive and representative system in Afghanistan that guarantees the rights, security and basic services for all its people, efforts to prevent the flow of asylum seekers will remain challenging.”

According to the diplomatic representations of Afghanistan, host countries should stop the process of forced deportation of refugees and those at risk.

Supporting refugees, facilitating resettlement pathways are among the issues that the diplomatic representations of Afghanistan have raised to the host countries of refugees.

These demands are made while the German government has recently decided to transfer dangerous refugees and Islamists to Afghanistan through Uzbekistan.

This decision of the German government was made after an Afghan refugee, in an attack on a gathering of extremists critical of Islam in Germany, killed a police officer.

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