
Pakistani Defense Minister: We will attack cross-border TTP bases if necessary

Bayan News – Khawaja Asif, the Pakistani Defense Minister, has recently warned that if necessary, Pakistan will attack the bases of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) outside the country’s territory.

He made these remarks as the Pakistani army has recently launched a new operation called “Determination Resolve” to counter the TTP.

The Pakistani Defense Minister, in an interview with the Voice of America’s Urdu service that was published on Thursday (June 27), added: “Look, if it becomes necessary, because nothing is more important than the immunity or security of Pakistan. The TTP operates from there (Afghanistan), but their hideouts are inside Pakistan. Imran Khan had brought four or five thousand of them to Pakistan at that time.”

According to the Pakistani Defense Minister, there is no reason to negotiate with the TTP.

This senior Pakistani official had earlier criticized the Afghan Taliban government for having no inclination to cooperate in the fight against terrorism.

The Pakistani government claims that the TTP organizes attacks against Pakistan’s security using Afghan soil, a claim that has always been rejected by the Afghan Taliban.

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