
Deadly Storm and Rainfall in Nangarhar; 35 Deaths Reported

Bayan News – The Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health says that a severe storm and heavy rainfall in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan have left 35 dead and more than 200 injured.

Sharafat Zaman, a spokesman for the ministry, told Afghan media that the bodies and injured from this natural disaster have been transported to hospitals in Nangarhar province.

This official from the Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health expressed that there is a possibility of an increase in casualties from the deadly flood in this province.

On the other hand, local sources have told reporters that on Monday afternoon (July 15), the city of Jalalabad, the districts of Surkh Rod, Batikot, and Behsud witnessed severe storms and heavy rainfall.

A public source said the number of storm and rainfall fatalities is 47 and the number of injured is 260.

Another public source also added that due to heavy rainfall in Surkh Rod district of Nangarhar, the roof of a house collapsed, resulting in the deaths of 11 members of a family.

However, today, several other provinces of Afghanistan have also experienced heavy rainfall, but the casualties and damage caused by it have not yet been reported.

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