
Senior Taliban Officials: We Did Not Fight for Power

Bayan News – Some senior Taliban officials said in a meeting in Kandahar that they did not fight for power and fame.

The Taliban’s reform meeting was held in the city of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan for three days, and Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban leader, gave speeches at the beginning and end of the meeting.

This Taliban reform meeting was held for more than 600 Taliban military commanders and relevant departments.

Mr. Haqqani added: “There were no problems throughout Afghanistan during the conquest of the mujahideen, and this was due to the blessing of our unity and unity.”

He also stressed that Afghanistan’s enemies are trying to create divisions among the Taliban leadership under various pretexts.

On the other hand, Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s intelligence chief, also spoke at this meeting and said that although the physical and hot war has ended, the cold war is still ongoing.

Wasiq pointed out that the main goal of the cold war is to create disunity and disagreement among the Taliban leadership.

Meanwhile, Amir Khan Muttaqi, the Taliban’s Foreign Minister, also called on the current Kabul government agencies and forces to refrain from anything that causes hatred.

Muttaqi stated that the Taliban army should increase its popularity so that the people stand by them.

However, at the beginning of this meeting, the Taliban leader asked all his officials to avoid discrimination, as discrimination and distrust create the conditions for defeat.

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