
Iranian Official Explains Stance on Forming an Inclusive Government in Afghanistan

Bayan News – Seyed Raouf Mousavi, the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, attended the recent meeting of the Strategic Studies Department of the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and stated that the participants of this meeting do not have a proper analysis of the formation of an inclusive government.

The Strategic Studies Department of the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting yesterday (August 3) on the relations between Kabul and Tehran after the formation of the new government in Iran. This meeting was titled “The New Iranian Government and Opportunities for Strengthening Kabul-Tehran Relations”.

The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said about this meeting that the participants and speakers of this meeting do not have a proper analysis of the inclusive government.

Mousavi wrote on the X platform: “An inclusive government is not a coalition government, it is not a participatory government, and it is not a government of opposing forces. A government is inclusive if it effectively engages and serves all members of the society. If the enactment and implementation of laws is transparent, impartial, and responsive to all citizens of the country, then that government is inclusive and accountable.”

According to this Iranian diplomat, the inclusive government is a national and domestic issue for Afghanistan to have a stable and developing government, and he is also in search of a stable government in his neighborhood.

However, Jafar Mahdavi, one of the Taliban’s close figures, spoke at the Strategic Studies meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and said that the new Iranian government should abandon the “undefined” demand for a comprehensive system, as it is not practical and acceptable in the current situation, but is also an internal matter.

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