
Hengaw: The situation of dealing with Afghan migrants in Iran is disastrous

Bayan News – The human rights organization Hengaw has warned in a recent report that the situation of dealing with Afghan migrants in Iran is shocking and disastrous.

The organization said on Sunday (August 4) in a published report that in recent months, a wave of anti-Afghan racism has been observed in the Iranian environment, both governmentally and socially.

Based on this report, racism includes the emergence of the discourse of expelling Afghan migrants in the debates related to the internal elections of the Islamic Republic, to the peak of the demand for the expulsion of these individuals on social networks.

The organization added that Afghans in many cases, despite decades of living and working in Iran, do not have valid residence cards.

According to the report, Afghan migrants are not allowed to reside in 16 provinces of Iran, and except for the provinces of Tehran, Alborz, and Qom, they are only allowed to reside in a number of districts in the rest of the provinces.

After the tensions between Iranian citizens and Afghan migrants increased following the killing of an Iranian, the wave of xenophobia and opposition to foreign nationals has now increased in different parts of Iran.

Over the past two weeks, a wave of violence and opposition to Afghan migrants has erupted in the capital and several cities of Tehran. In most cases, Afghan migrants have been insulted, humiliated, beaten, and attacked with knives by Iranian citizens.

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