AfghanistanSpecial Reports

August 15; Taliban Prime Minister: We entered Kabul triumphantly after defeating the Americans

Bayan News – Mullah Muhammad Hassan Akhund, the Taliban Prime Minister, said in a message on the occasion of August 24 that the Taliban and its forces, with their faith and overcoming materialism, defeated the Americans with all their advanced equipment.

The Taliban Prime Minister issued a message on Tuesday (August 13) and added that their forces, after 20 years of struggle, entered the capital of Afghanistan in a triumphant manner.

In Mullah Muhammad Hassan Akhund’s message, it is stated: “The defeat of the Americans in Afghanistan is in fact the victory of faith and spirituality over materialism. We saw that they conquered Afghanistan with empty hands and a small number of mujahideen against highly equipped and advanced forces, which is a clear sign of divine victory.”

This senior Taliban official also stressed that their struggle is not yet over and that they now have the serious responsibility of strengthening the Islamic system.

On the other hand, Mawlawi Ya’qub Mujahid, the Taliban Defense Minister, also said on this occasion that when he entered this ministry after the collapse of the previous government, apart from the building, there was nothing else.

The Taliban Defense Minister stated that he started from scratch to form his own defense forces and now the Taliban have a regular army.

In response to a question about foreign aircraft flights in Afghan airspace, Mr. Mujahid said they are trying to prevent these violations and are obliged to do so to the best of their ability. However, he cannot specify a specific time for success in this matter.

According to him, the Taliban have also given the necessary responses to the countries violating Afghanistan’s airspace.

However, U.S. forces left Kabul on August 15, 2021 at the order of the U.S. President, after 20 years.

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