
Hanafi: Citizens’ compliance with the law of Amr Bil Ma’ruf and Nahi ‘An Al-Munkar is mandatory

Bayan News – Khalid Hanafi, the Taliban’s Minister of Amr Bil Ma’ruf and Nahi ‘An Al-Munkar, has told all Afghan citizens that compliance with the new law of this ministry is mandatory.

He made these remarks on Thursday (August 22) during his visit to Balkh province.

Hanafi said in a meeting: “We ask all the muhtasibs (supervisors) that, when enforcing Islamic law during Amr Bil Ma’ruf, they should respect what is mentioned in the law. They should not add or subtract anything.”

He has urged all citizens to strictly comply with this law.

This senior Taliban official has also warned that those who resist the Taliban system will be dealt with seriously.

The law of the Taliban’s Ministry of Amr Bil Ma’ruf and Nahi ‘An Al-Munkar has recently been approved by the Taliban leader.

This law consists of a preamble, four chapters, and 35 articles.

On the other hand, Article 13 of this law, which has eight clauses, is dedicated to the “provisions relating to the woman’s veil”.

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