
Taliban to UNAMA: Laws in Afghanistan are based on religion

Bayan News – Mawlavi Zakir, the head of the political office of the Taliban’s prime minister, stated in a meeting with the political officer of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in Kabul that the Taliban respects human rights in the light of Islamic teachings.

The head of the political office of the Taliban’s prime minister met with Scott Smith, the political officer of UNAMA in Kabul, on Wednesday (August 28).

In a statement from the Taliban office, it was mentioned that there is a good atmosphere of trust between the UN representation and the Taliban, and it is expected that the Taliban’s interaction with the world will be strengthened.

The political officer of UNAMA noted that the organization will present its report on Afghanistan at the upcoming United Nations Security Council meeting.

On the other hand, the Taliban political official added that meetings and discussions will bring them closer to the international community and that the current government of Afghanistan wants to resolve existing issues through dialogue.

The head of the political office of the Taliban’s prime minister, referring to the promulgation of the law on promoting virtue, stated that the Taliban respects human rights in the light of Islam and that laws in Afghanistan are built based on religion; a matter that should not be a concern.

This comes as the promulgation of the law on promoting virtue by the Taliban leader has sparked widespread international reactions.

In connection with this issue, Roza Otunbayeva, the head of UNAMA, traveled to Kandahar yesterday to meet with the Taliban leader, but she was denied permission for the meeting.

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