
Repeated Shooting by Iranian Border Guards on Migrants; Six Wounded Transferred to Nimruz

Repeated Shooting by Iranian Border Guards on Migrants; Six Wounded Transferred to Nimruz

Bayan News – Health sources in the Nimruz province have confirmed to the media that six Afghan migrants were injured by gunfire from Iranian border guards.

Sources reported on Monday, October 28, that the injured individuals were transferred to the Nimruz provincial hospital for treatment. Videos shared on social media show that some of these refugees sustained severe leg injuries, while other footage shows several of them escaping the shooting only to be captured by the Pakistani military.

One of the injured reported that there were eight more wounded and two dead among them, noting that 12 others are missing. Another migrant mentioned that there were 300 of them in total, divided into groups of fifty. He added that they were ambushed and shot at by Iranian forces.

Previously, reports indicated that over 250 Afghan refugees were killed or wounded due to Iranian border forces’ shooting, sparking significant international outcry.

Although the Taliban have appointed a committee for an in-depth investigation, the results have yet to be announced.

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