
Government provides “work” to political returnees

Bayan News

Officials from the Kabul Acting Government’s Contact Commission said that it will provide a platform for returnees of political figures.

Ahmadullah Wasiq, a spokesman for the Contact Commission, said in an interview with the media on Monday (March 13) that they will be provided with work areas, taking into account the ability, talent and honesty of political figures.

He said more than 500 political figures, including ministers and ministers of the previous government, have returned home since the commission’s inception.

According to Bail, the government is committed to supporting political figures, and given their ability, talent and honesty, they may operate in parts of the government because thousands of employees of the former regime are now in government and are paid.

However, after the Islamic Emirate took control of Afghanistan, former government cabinet ministers and ministers fled in fear of the Taliban and turned to European and Western countries.

In order to return them, the acting government established a contact commission through which it invited political figures to return home.

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