AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Taliban: Women without hijab are punished

Bayannews – 7 May 2022

The Taliban-led government has recently issued new directives against women, according to which women will be punished and imprisoned if they do not observe the hijab.

The Ministry of the Taliban announced the new instructions of their government in a public meeting on Saturday (May 7th).

In this instruction, the Taliban government introduced the burqa (chador) as a dignified hijab for Afghan women, and according to this instruction, women without hijab will be tried and fired if they have a duty.

“The unveiled woman should be identified in the first step of her house and her guardian should be advised and punished. “His guardian will be summoned to the relevant department, his guardian will be suspended for three days, and his guardian will be handed over to the courts to be sentenced to the appropriate punishment.” This is one of the Taliban’s harshest cases against women, as explicitly stated in their new guidelines.

The Taliban-led government also defined the hijab for all Afghan women, stressing that the hijab should be visible to only women.

The Ministry of the Taliban announced at today’s meeting that the directive had been approved by their leadership, and that the ministry had asked officials from the Hajj, Endowments, Education, General Directorate of Intelligence and mosque clerics to mobilize to implement the directive.

After returning to power in Afghanistan, the Taliban imposed severe restrictions on Afghan women after August 15 last year, including a ban on work, a ban on educating girls in the sixth grade, and a ban on women traveling.

Although the international community has put a lot of pressure on the Taliban government over these restrictions, the Kabul-based government has not yet responded.

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