8 March: Karzai: Women’s access to education and their right to work is a necessity for society
On March 8, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said that access to education is not only the right of Afghan women, but also a necessity and one of the urgent needs of today’s Afghan society.
In a message on Wednesday (March 8), the former president added that women make up half of society’s bodies and play a valuable and constructive role in the progress of human societies.
She noted that achieving excellence and prosperity would not have been possible without women’s active contributions in various areas of life, and that Afghanistan is no exception.
Karzai again called on the acting government to open the gates of schools and universities to girls as soon as possible in order to have a self-reliant, progressive Afghanistan and pave the way for education for Afghan women.
President Karzai has been one of the few political figures in the country who, over the past two years, has
repeatedly criticized the caretaker government’s decrees restricting women and girls and has not considered it to be in the interests of the Afghan people.