Women protesters: Not only do we want universities, but we want political participation and fair elections
Bayan News
A group of girls and women, known as the “Coalition of Spontaneous Women’s Movements,” have taken to kabul’s roads and called for political participation, the ruleof the people, and the realization of justice.
On Wednesday (March 8), female protesters read their cutoffs to the streets of Kabul, insisting that they had fought empty-hand against the restrictions imposed by the acting government over the past two years.
They also said in their memorandum that women’s rights were fundamentally violated by the caretaker government and that women faced many restrictions.
According to them, the caretaker government seeks to score points from the international community by removing women from society and arbitrarily arrests.
“The women protesters clearly called on the United Nations to make a firm decision on the fate of the Afghan people, especially women and girls, as soon as possible.” The international community should defend the rights of the people, not support the Taliban government. “The $40 million donation is actually a crime for women and girls.”
In their letter, they added that along with wanting school and university, women and girls also want political participation with men, fair elections, sovereignty over the people and the realization of justice.
Protesters have urged people to stand by them to support women and girls so that they can change their fate with their own hands in the history of political change, regardless of the nances of the West and East.
Today, Wednesday coincides with International Women’s Day, which is celebrated by most countries around the world with special ceremonies.