
Balkhi: The basic rights of the society cannot be proposed

Bayan news

Seyyed Hossein Alami Balkhi, the former minister of immigrants and returnees and a member of the Shia Ulema Council, says that the basic rights of the society are not to be challenged and followed up to realize them.

He has given explanations in response to the recent report of the Bakhtar state news agency, which published about Akbari’s meeting with the political deputy of the head of Kabul.

Balkhi added that the religious people of Shia, such as Muharram, religious mourning, and studying in Shia academic fields have been disturbed and prevented by the Taliban, and security is provided as much as possible.

He added: “The officialization of the Shia religion, judicial and political rights, participation in decision-making, jurisprudence teaching in universities, in the views and materials of the written Shia community have been delivered to the Taliban authorities, but we have not received a positive response and we are determined that explain Pursue the demands of the Shiite community through dialogue and as peaceful with the government.”

Balkhi also pointed to the lack of a statement by a high jurist in Bamyan University that the response of the Ministry of Education regarding the lack of Jafari jurisprudence teaching in the country’s universities was not satisfactory and the Council of Scholars will discuss this matter in order to reach the desired result.

Balkhi clearly stated that the fundamental rights of the Shia community are neither understandable nor acceptable and he is still searching for a positive answer.

It should be noted that last year, the Council of Shia Ulemas of Afghanistan presented the demands of the community to the authorities of the Islamic Emirate in the form of a school, and during this time, it has not responded positively to these issues.

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