
Religious Enforcers Ban Music at Wedding Ceremonies in Parwan

Bayan News – The head of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Parwan province has announced that religious enforcers under this authority have prevented the playing of music at several wedding ceremonies during their supervision.

In a newsletter issued on Sunday, August 26th, this authority advised wedding hosts that playing music and singing is discouraged and considered Haram (forbidden).

The newsletter stated that listening to musical instruments and songs is harmful to the morals of Afghan youth and leads them astray.

The religious enforcers in Parwan continue to encourage people to foster unity and brotherhood, urging the residents of the province to cooperate with them more than ever before in preventing vice.

It is worth mentioning that the religious enforcers of the Islamic Emirate have banned the playing of music at wedding ceremonies in most provinces of Afghanistan, considering it completely forbidden.

Simultaneously, the religious enforcers in some provinces of Afghanistan have also collected and confiscated musical instruments.

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