
Return of approximately ten thousand migrants from Iran and Pakistan in a single day

Bayan News – The Ministry of Migrants and Returnees has reported that yesterday (October 23rd), approximately ten thousand Afghan migrants voluntarily or forcibly returned from Iran and Pakistan.

The ministry, in a newsletter released on Wednesday (October 24th), stated that yesterday, five thousand and 196 migrants were forcibly brought into the country through the Turghundi and Spin Boldak ports.

According to the ministry, the returning migrants are registered and documented in the provinces of Nangarhar and Kandahar, and they have been referred to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for assistance.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani government had set a deadline for Afghan undocumented migrants to leave the country, and according to Pakistani media reports, around 60,000 migrants have left the country in the past month.

The forced deportation of Afghan undocumented migrants from Pakistan has drawn international reactions.

Several human rights organizations and the United Nations had urged the Pakistani government to reconsider its decision.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Migrants and Returnees continues to report that over three thousand migrants have entered Afghanistan forcibly or voluntarily from Iran.

The Iranian government has also intensified the expulsion of undocumented migrants in recent days, and at the same time, law enforcement officials in the country have been accused of mistreating migrants.

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