
Forced Expulsion of Afghans from Iran and Pakistan Subjected to Harassment and Abuse

Bayan News – Simultaneously with the intensified forced expulsion of Afghan migrants from Iran and Pakistan, it has been reported that the expelled individuals are being subjected to harassment and abuse by authorities in these two countries.

Abdul Rahman Rashid, a spokesperson for the Afghan Ministry of Migrants, stated on Monday (December 3) that ministry teams are striving to address the problems faced by forcibly expelled individuals from Iran and Pakistan and relocate them to their original areas.

According to this ministry official, since November of this year, nearly 140,000 Afghan migrants have been returned from Iran to the country.

He mentioned that among the forcibly expelled individuals from Iran, there are those who intended to cross into Turkey through the Iranian land border.

However, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Migrants, in recent months, 381,000 migrants have been returned from Iran and Pakistan to Afghanistan.

It is also reported that more than two thousand Afghan refugees have been transferred to Kabul by the Turkish government via airplane.

The forced expulsion of Afghan migrants by the governments of Iran and Pakistan, coinciding with the arrival of the winter season, has raised further human rights concerns.

International organizations have declared that due to budget constraints, they are unable to provide assistance to all returnees.

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