
The United Nations Security Council has extended the mandate of the monitoring team overseeing sanctions on the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan for another year

Bayan News – With the majority of its members in agreement, the Security Council passed Resolution 2716 last night (14 December), affirming the extension.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States representative to the Security Council, emphasized the importance of continuing the sanctions to support peace and security in Afghanistan. She further highlighted that the reports from the monitoring team enable Security Council members to assess whether the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is fulfilling its commitments.

On the other hand, Geng Shuang, the Chinese representative in the Council, requested permission to travel to meet with some officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan who are traveling outside of the country for discussions and interactions. He expressed regret that such permission had not been granted.

The Chinese representative stated that the international community needs to ensure that Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorist organizations, while also noting that the continuation of sanctions should not negatively impact the Afghan people.

However, despite the sanctions, representatives of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have traveled to certain regional and European countries over the past month.

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