
Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice: Celebrating Yalda Night is Forbidden

Bayan News – The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice of the Islamic Emirate, in a statement, has deemed the celebration of “Yalda Night” as forbidden and emphasized that it has no place in Islam.

In the statement released on Monday, December 24, it is stated, “It is a religious obligation for all Muslims to refrain from commemorating such occasions that have no position in Islam.”

While many people, despite difficulties, celebrated Yalda Night by setting up a fruit table, seeking fortunes through Hafez’s divination, and reciting poetry and stories in their homes, this ministry considers the celebration of Yalda Night as forbidden.

After coming to power in Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirate has prohibited the celebration of Yalda Night, as well as the celebration of New Year and other practices that are contrary to Sharia.

Furthermore, last year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) registered Yalda Night as a shared cultural heritage of Afghanistan and Iran.

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