
Taliban rejects UN findings on Al-Qaeda presence in Afghanistan

Bayan News – Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban spokesperson, in a statement, dismissed the United Nations Security Council’s findings regarding the presence of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and emphasized that such accusations are a misuse by countries utilizing the UN address.

The United Nations Security Council claimed in its latest report that eight new Al-Qaeda training centers have become operational in some provinces of Afghanistan under Taliban control.

Furthermore, the report states that Al-Qaeda has also established its weapons depot in the province of Panjshir.

Zabihullah Mujahid

Zabihullah Mujahid, referring to this report, says that a systematic program has been initiated to bring allegations against the Islamic Emirate through the UN address, which is entirely propaganda.

Mujahid added in a statement today, Friday (February 1), “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects these baseless allegations.

Unfortunately, a systematic program has been launched from the United Nations address to constantly propagate false accusations against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

The Taliban spokesperson views these allegations as a misuse of the UN address, which member countries allow to continue.

He stated, “We know that some member countries of the Security Council have faced defeat in Afghanistan, and they naturally harbor resentment and spread such falsehoods.

However, member countries that have good relations with Afghanistan shouldnot allow the credibility of this important international institution to be harmed, and its decisions should not be influenced by the political agendas of certain countries.”

He reiterated that no one associated with Al-Qaeda exists in Afghanistan, and the Taliban does not allow anyone to use Afghan soil against any direction.

He further emphasized that the reports of the Security Council originate from sources that have been standing alongside their interests for two decades of occupation and are sensitive to freedom and security.

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