AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Activists of women in Afghanistan: Global interaction with the Taliban is like unrequited love.

A group of women’s rights activists in Afghanistan questioned global interaction with the Taliban at a meeting at the United Nations headquarters, stating that no pressure has been exerted on the policies of the Kabul government.

Fatima Gilani and Fawzia Koofi, members of the former Afghan government’s negotiating team, along with Nahid Sarabi and Asila Wardak, women’s rights activists in Afghanistan, spoke on Wednesday at a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in the United States about the situation of women in Afghanistan.

Fawzia Koofi questioned global policy towards the Taliban in this press conference and said that no pressure has been exerted on the Taliban in the past two years.

She added, “They have been given $40 million this week, and during this time, the Taliban have had over a thousand meetings with international diplomats. They have normalized relations with regional countries.”

This women’s rights defender clearly stated that in the past two years, global interaction with the Taliban has been like “unrequited love,” as during this time the international community has always offered concessions to the Taliban.

Economic growth depends on the reopening of schools and universities.

On the other hand, Nahid Sarabi, another women’s rights defender, said that Taliban policies have affected the personal and public lives of women, and this has been the cause of economic stagnation in Afghanistan.

According to Sarabi, women and girls face food insecurity, and the proportion of women’s employment in offices and administrations has decreased from 11% in 2022 to 6% in 2023.

She also questioned the economic growth under the Taliban regime and added, “The Taliban claim that security has improved, but why does most of the group’s budget go towards security while the rest is neglected?”

This former Afghan government official warned that until the doors of schools and universities are opened for girls, Afghanistan will not achieve a suitable economic situation, as there are no educated women participating in economic sectors.

At the same time, Fatima Gilani stated in this press conference that active embassies in Kabul meet weekly with Taliban officials, and it is necessary for them to also have meetings with representatives of civil society.

She urged the Taliban to open the doors of schools for girls. “For me, closing the doors of schools for girls is like being forced to fast and someone forcing food into my mouth, or if I want to pray and someone prevents me,” she said.

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