
Ministry of Commerce of Taliban announces Pakistani delegation’s visit to Kabul

Bayan News – Concurrent with ongoing tensions between Kabul and Islamabad, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Taliban has announced the visit of a Pakistani delegation to the Ministry’s designated head in Kabul.

Abdul Salam Jawad, the spokesperson for this Ministry, told the media today on Monday (March 24) that a delegation from Pakistan’s Ministry of Commerce is scheduled to arrive in Kabul tomorrow for discussions on issues related to bilateral trade.

According to published reports, during this visit, the Pakistani Ministry of Commerce delegation is expected to take joint actions to remove obstacles to transit and trade along the border crossings between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Mohammad Zubair Motiwala, the Executive Director at Pakistan’s Trade Development Authority, said, “A high-level delegation led by the Pakistani Minister of Commerce is set to visit Kabul on March 25 to build confidence and strengthen trust in trade flow between the two neighboring countries.”

The official from Pakistan’s Trade Development Authority referred to Pakistan’s airstrike on Afghan soil last week and stated that relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have been on a downward trend for a long time.

The Executive Director of Pakistan’s Trade Development Authority further stated, “I hope this visit will lead to bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Both countries need to review their policies to simplify trade, reduce restrictions, and streamline transit at border points.”

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