
Ashraf Ghani’s Warning: The Patience and Forbearance of the People is Not Unlimited

Bayan News – Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, in a message on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, warned that the people clearly want a legitimate and acceptable system and government, and this has its limits.

Ghani’s message was released on Saturday (June 15) and states: “Everyone knows that Afghans clearly and openly want a legitimate and acceptable system and government; but they prefer this to be done through peaceful means. They are not in favor of war and bloodshed, because they have a proverb that says: A knot that is untied with the finger does not need a tooth and a fist.”

He further stated: “But this patience and forbearance of the people is not unlimited, and may they not find this knot a dead-end, and resort to teeth and fists to untie it, which is the path of destruction and ruin of the country, and has been experienced with pain and suffering many times in the past half century.”

The former Afghan President noted that the creation and consolidation of legitimacy should never be taken to mean the recycling of previously tested and hated individuals. The future of the country must be determined and its future path charted by the vast majority of the Afghan people, who are the youth, women, and the underprivileged.

Eid al-Adha arrives at a time when more than half of the Afghan people are suffering from poverty and hunger and lack the purchasing power for their basic necessities.

On the other hand, the Taliban closed schools for girls a month after taking power in Afghanistan, which has led to the isolation of Afghanistan and the spread of the economic crisis in the country.

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