
A Woman in Badakhshan Commits Suicide Due to Domestic Violence

Shahnaz Farahmand

Bayan News – It has been reported from the province of Badakhshan in northeastern Afghanistan that a young woman in this province committed suicide by ingesting poisonous substances.

Local sources have told reporters that this woman was 40 years old and lived in the fourth district of Faizabad, the provincial capital of Badakhshan.

According to the statements of local sources, this woman committed suicide on Monday evening (July 8th) due to domestic violence.

It is said that she consumed rat poison with the intent to take her own life.

According to the sources, this woman passed away after being transferred to the hospital.

A similar incident had occurred previously in the provinces of Badakhshan and Herat.

Over the past three years, the rate of suicide among women and men in certain parts of Afghanistan has increased sharply.

Domestic violence, poverty, economic crisis, and the uncertain future of Afghanistan are considered the most important reasons for suicide.

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