AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Washington: Normalization of Relations with the Taliban Will Be Conditional on Improvement of Human Rights

Bayan News – As restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan continue, Matthew Miller, spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, stated that any normalization of relations with the Taliban would be conditional upon the improvement of the situation for women and girls in the country.

The State Department spokesperson made these remarks on Tuesday (October 8) during a press briefing.

The U.S. official emphasized that Washington’s priority is to ensure that terrorist groups are never able to use Afghanistan as a base for attacks against the United States.

He added, “Our main interest regarding Afghanistan has been and will continue to be ensuring that the country never becomes a platform for terrorist attacks against the United States, and we remain highly vigilant against any terrorist threat that could target the U.S. and its allies.”

He also stated that the U.S. maintains its capabilities to prevent “terrorist” attacks from Afghan soil.

The spokesperson noted that the Taliban continue to impose restrictions on women and girls.

The U.S. official emphasized that the United States is working with its allies to pressure the Taliban due to their discriminatory policies against women and girls.

According to Miller, taking any significant steps toward normalizing relations with the Taliban is contingent upon the improvement of their treatment of Afghan women and girls.

Previously, U.S. officials had also stressed that the Taliban would not be recognized without the formation of an inclusive government and respect for human rights, particularly the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan.

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