
Increase in Suicides Among Afghan Youth; Economic Crisis or Mental Illness?

Bayan News – Local sources in the provinces of Badakhshan and Faryab report that two young men in these provinces recently committed suicide, ending their lives.

A local source in Faryab province stated that a 37-year-old man hanged himself at his home in the Pashtunkot district on Sunday evening (October 27). The source identified the man as Ahmad Shah and said that his wife discovered him but was unable to save him.

According to sources, Ahmad Shah had been working in Iran and had recently returned to Faryab. It is said that he committed suicide due to mental health issues.

Additionally, it has been reported that a 13-year-old boy also hanged himself in Badakhshan province. Local sources in Badakhshan revealed that this 13-year-old boy, named Abdul Jamil, was a resident of the village of Yebab in the Shahada district. According to these sources, the boy committed suicide due to domestic violence.

While some of these incidents have been confirmed by local Taliban officials, who stated that most of these suicides are due to mental health issues, some community sources have told the media that the primary causes of youth suicide in Afghanistan are poverty, the economic crisis, lack of employment, and the country’s uncertain future.

Furthermore, since the Taliban returned to power, poverty and hunger levels have spread throughout Afghanistan. Despite the implementation of major economic projects, employment opportunities for most Afghan youth remain scarce.

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