
German Interior Minister: Dangerous refugees must be deported quickly

Bayan News – Nancy Faeser, the German Interior Minister, says that individuals who are potentially a threat to Germany’s security must be quickly deported from the country.

According to German media reports, the Interior Minister of this country has added that they are looking for a way to deport criminal and dangerous refugees to Afghanistan and Syria.

Faeser emphasized that the security of Germany is more important than the fate of those who will be sent back to unsafe and dangerous countries like Afghanistan.

She added: “I am fully convinced that Germany’s security interests clearly take precedence over the interests of those who will be affected.”

Following the deadly attack by an Afghan refugee on a gathering of Islam-critical right-wingers in the German city of Mannheim, where a police officer was killed and five others were injured, some German parties have called for the deportation of radical Islamists and dangerous criminals to their home countries, including Afghanistan and Syria.

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